Thursday, December 28, 2006

code006: Profiteroles, Istambul, Turkey

El dicho "estoy en el septimo cielo" es aplicable 100% despues de probar los profiteroles a la pasteleria Inci en Istanbul. La familia de origen griego, empezó este negocio hace muchas decadas en el barrio popular de Beyoglu - uno de los mas visitados hoy dia en la vibrante Istanbul (Constantinopla). Los profiteroles en su dia salieron de Francia pero no hay profiteroles tan exquisitos como los de Inci. Orgasmo!

"Estoy en el septimo cielo" is a spanish say, meaning "i am in heaven". Well, that's what you feel after you taste the famous profiteroles at the Istanbul pastry shop called Inci at Beyoglu. A greek origin family started a small business many decades ago at the Beyoglu quarter, now one of the most vivited areas in vibrant Istambul (Constantinople). Profiteroles departed from France but there's no profiteroles as superb as the one at Inci's. Orgasm!

1 comment:

lisa_emily said...

El Greco- I had no idea that you were such a gastronome...I'm inspired to keep my eyes and stomach open.

Hope all is going ok!
